Larger Works in Progress

A FPS adventure video game

An game focused on exploring an undersea technocracy. Features two playable characters with their own distinct paths and storylines. Estimated playthrough time is 6-7 hours with multiple playthroughs available to experience all potential diverging paths.

Progress: Currently in Testing Stage

Fantasy Novel

I’ll have more to say about the series when I’ve finished with it. Roughly speaking though, it is an adventure-fantasy series for adults and is a trilogy.

It’s my intention to finish the series before looking at a release.

Progress: Writing Book 3/3. Books 1 and 2 written though not edited.


Aaron Bushnell Examined

An examination of Aaron Bushnell and how influencers have been using him. Can be found on Youtube.

Progress: Finished primary critique/examination. Have put out three videos on Bushnell and influencers. All audio recorded, videos in production.

Animation Series

A 3D animation series that will be something of a mixture between a paranormal show and a slice-of-life comedy.