Been a pretty intense couple of weeks. I just finished uploading the last video for the Aaron Bushnell project. In total that will be 17 videos I did on him and the media reaction around him. I had initially wanted to do two three hour videos, one on him, the other on the media reaction to him, but it ended up resulting in a much larger project once I got into it. Btw, if there’s one video I would recommend watching from the series, my critique of Chris Hedges’ article Divine Violence is the best imo. I had the most fun with the livestreams, although there is a hilarious reason why my one video is titled So This Began as a Normal Critique…

The seven remaining videos are going to be released between now and the 24th of April. I think by that time I’ll have racked up the award for the most diverse pot-shots taken at people across the political spectrum.

Anyways, so with that rather large project finished, and my weekends/nights are back and I can focus on the next project. I need to re-record my audio for the final part of my critique of religious absolutism. It was unfortunately one of those videos that got impacted by some early technical issues. Such is life.

My major focus for the channel going forwards is going to be a variety of animations, which will be fun. I’ll post another video roundup on the 24th after everything is out.

Video Links:
