A reaction and analysis of videos about Aaron Bushnell in the aftermath of the situation. This includes the Washington vigil and the talking points of various activists.

2 responses to “Reacting to Videos About Aaron Bushnell, Part 1”

  1. What Bushnell’s desperate act exposes is that some 95-99% of people anywhere DO NOTHING when confronted with grave injustices such as the current US-Israeli Holocaust of the Palestinians, just like all the “bad German people” during the Nazi Holocaust, whom they are happily pointing the finger to as examples of OTHER PEOPLE who are bad and evil in their deep dishonesty, self-delusion, and madness.

    He pointed exactly this reality out in one of his last statements:

    “Many of us like to ask ourselves, ‘What would I do if I was alive during slavery? Or the Jim Crow South? Or apartheid? What would I do if my country was committing genocide?’ The answer is, you’re doing it. Right now.”

    Now WHY is it that 95-99% of people anywhere DO NOTHING when confronted with grave injustices? Because “advanced” humans have a malignant disease called a “Soullessness Spectrum Disorder” [Edit – Link Redacted]

    Because of this big truth Bushnell is pointing to lots of truth-hating cowardly soulless people resort to slandering Bushnell as mentally disturbed or fanatical, having been suicidal (he was not), etc. or try to misrepresent him negatively in some other form –anything in order to NOT see the real truth about themselves.

    “America is the greatest exporter of violence the world has ever known. So wear your patriotism on your sleeve and be proud. You are a depraved citizen of the world’s worst killer nation.” — Paul Craig Roberts, Ph.D., economist & former US regime official, in 2015

    “I am about to engage in an extreme act of protest, but compared to what people have been experiencing in Palestine, at the hands of their colonizers (=the genocidal US regime and its genocidal Israeli colony), it’s not extreme at all.” — Aaron Bushnell, shortly before he set himself on fire

    If you have been injected with Covid jabs/bioweapons and are concerned, then verify what batch number you were injected with at [Edit – Link Redacted]


    1. Katie, you’ve fallen for a lot of propaganda tactics designed by foreign powers and their domestic associates to cause social disillusionment. Paul Craig Roberts is in with the Ron Paul/Lew Rockwell propaganda crowd who basically want to establish an isolationist America in order to hand world control over to the Russia/China/Iran bloc. I know that this might be a hard thing to come to understand, but alternative media lies a lot. And I’ve personally shown them engaging in mass propaganda techniques numerous times. Even in this video, I demonstrate the psychological techniques that they’re using.

      The psychosis of Hamas is that they’re more obsessed with death than life. This is the famous statement of their field commander, Abu Obeida: “We love death as you love life.” The people who support them tend to follow the same pattern.

      As for that “Soullessness Spectrum Disorder”, that’s the sort of thing alternative media cobbles together to give their followers a delusion of elitism. It isn’t true.

