What does not exist is destined to fade away. Know yourself.

Encroaching mists of war and chaos devour the land. Human and fae alike act in ignorance, lost in the decaying cycle of a world they no longer understand. Yet, Eternity cannot be hidden forever.

After eons of silence, whispers anew echo through the world. Two champions shall arise, a gold knight and a dark mask, even draw to one another. A hero will break the cycle of death and rebirth, whether in Eternity or the Abyss.


“Don’t be afraid. While I’m here, the nightmares won’t claim you.”

An adventurer from a small town, Anatha has wondered about what path she should walk. Whether in the fields or playing her guitar, dreaming about tales long past, these thoughts are always with her. Yet, what seems simple on the outside is anything but.


“We’re something that can’t ever die. Sometimes we imagine ourselves failing and falling, but that is not who we are.”

The Grail Knight, Aradin, is honor-bound to find the ancient relic for his king, a quest that may well bring an end to the war destroying Elanda. As he gathers his company to him, a destiny awaits. With powerful companions and his lover, Anatha, at his side, there is little he cannot accomplish.


“Just out of interest, you wouldn’t know any magical cobblers with a Grail or two on hand?”

Changelings, mysterious humanoid beings from the woodlands of Faerie, are rarely seen in Elanda. Some whisper that they are cursed beings, while others claim them as creations of the fae. One changeling, Drian, ever abounding in hope and happiness, is destined to make history with the rest of the Grail party.


“There are those who indulge in entertainment, alcohol, and drugs because they cannot bear to see what’s going on in the world. No, I want to show that the spirit remains.”

The Minstrel of a Thousand Faces, Kekuit is known far and wide as a minstrel knight, freedom fighter, and magician. What merry songs conceal, a multitude of secrets wait to reveal.


“That a stranger would care so much more than you…”

Mordred Half-Fae, Prince of Elanda, is torn between his allegiance to his father, King Athar of Elanda, and his mother, Queen Morrigan of Faerie, a duality that has not escaped the attention of his father’s councilor, the wizard Mirlal. Guided by a promise he made long ago, he walks alone through a court of deception and appearance, where every face is masked and plots abound.

Product Information:

Title: Within a Hidden Sun

Author: Joshua James Kingston

Cost 6.00$ US (Ebook), 22.50$ US (Paperback)

Genre: Epic Fantasy

Intended Audience: Late Teens/Adults

ISBN: 979-8787817966

Language: English

Page Count: 814

Size: 6 x 9

Type: Standalone Novel

Year of Publication: 2021

Purchase Links:

(Ebook) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09MNHTV9R/

(Print) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09NRF3G69/

Additional Sample Chapters:

Chapter 1

Chapter 53

Chapter 67

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