Just a few things to go over quickly.

First, I’ve decided to delete my Twitter account. The reality is just that it isn’t worth getting involved on that site for anything beyond research purposes. Trying to discuss anything in the character limit is impossible, which means that it’s mostly good as a link-sharing/media site. So while I might have a research account in the future, it isn’t worth having a official Kotharian Lightning presence on the site. Anything important will be posted here or on Youtube. If you want to talk about any posts or videos, comments are left open the site posts for 14 days. Youtube for whenever you want. Comments on the more recent videos are sent to strict, just to filter any potential bad actors showing up.

Secondly, I’m getting near to the end of the Aaron Bushnell arc. It’s basically been what I’ve spent a lot of my free time in the past month on and there’s just some more of the influencer stuff to put to video (the audio is already recorded). I’m probably gonna pivot into some animations after, since I’ve wanted to do those for a while. I was intending to begin on my animation series in January, but I guess we can say that “stuff” happened. Hope to show you that soon.

Third, I’ve started writing the third book in my upcoming fantasy trilogy.

Book 1 has 174,000 words (unedited)

Book 2 has 120,000 words (unedited)

I’m about 7,500 words into Book 3.

Pacewise, I mostly write on weekends and sometimes weeknights, though I’ve written a lot less in March. I usually write around 3,000-4,000 words in a day. Sometimes if I’m really flying it’s more. And I usually force myself to do at least 2,000.

Gamewise, I’m currently in the process of cleanup and code testing, then it’s into level design.

Talk to you later. 🙂
