From Gadaba Folklore

There was a god called Grigirimeta; his wife’s name was Tumaldai; and they had a daughter named Sonki. When Sonki grew up, her parents kept a boy in the house to serve for her. His name was Kindrijhaliya. One day Girgirimeta said to the boy, “Down by the river there is a pyasa tree. Cut it down and we’ll use the wood for a door.” The boy went down to the river. As he cut the tree, the little chips of wood flew off and fell into the water, where they turned into frogs.

After a time the boy got thirsty and went down to the river to get some water. When the frogs saw him they began to jump about, just like chips of wood jumping from a tree. The boy was frightened and ran home to tell his wife. They told the parents. Girgirimeta went down to the river and saw the frogs for himself. He came home and said to the boy, “You’d better not cut any more of that tree. If even the chips of wood can jump about like that, I don’t know what might not happen if the entire tree fell into the river.”


Chapter 15, Tribal Myths of Orissa, Verrier Elwin, 1954
