I’m pleased to announce the publication of the first episode of the Mobiks animated series, Prelude To War. Mobiks is a parody series about the experiences of a squad of Russian Mobiks (aka mobilized conscripts) during the present day Russo-Ukrainian War. You can watch the first episode, a prequel to the primary events of the series, here:

I currently have almost two hours of episodic content animated, including an hour long special. I’m currently working on the last stages of production for the series, namely getting it all subtitled and working smoothly in the video editing program.

I’ve also created a Twitter account to accompany the Youtube account. I won’t be using it to interact much, but I’ll post updates for Youtube and blog posts on it. So if you like following updates on that service, you can follow the account using the link below.

Here are some preview images for the upcoming episodes:
