Haven’t posted in a few months, so I thought I’d post a quick update to let everyone know what’s going on with the blog and my projects. I’ve been hard at work on my game project which consumes most of my spare time. I also decided to do the next animation project in 3D rather than 2D, so there’s a fair amount of extra prep involved in that because I have to make and texture the models. So with that said, here’s an update on the different projects.

Animation Plan

  • A series of short animation projects as a sort of proof of concept. The first is a sort of satirical take on the creepypasta genre. This will be followed by either a few flash fiction shorts or the first mainline episode. I also have access to better voices for the project compared to the last animation series, which was one of my primary concerns with moving forwards with the project.

Book Update

  • I’m going to be doing one large book now instead of two. It will likely be the last fiction book I write for a while because the book market is kind of in a major slump. It takes a lot of time to put together a major book project and while I stand behind the project artistically, it’s a bit too risky of a marketplace to commit to. When I get near to that time, I’ll also likely try to release the second editions of my other books (mostly just editorial related for Within a Hidden Sun, but I’ve considered expanding Starlight Coda with 4-5 new stories).


  • I’m almost up to the point of level design with the game.

Mythology Project

  • I haven’t forgotten about the project, even if new content is temporarily on hold. The format will likely now be videos rather than books now.
